Hi everybody! This paragraph is about my opinion on people in grade school getting phones. I think that if you walk to school, walk to places without your parents usually, or anything involved with safety issues, then you most definitely should have a phone. But what about people who get phones just to text their friends? Well, that's a different matter. I realized, people who have phones get involved in all the texting drama. When they come to school, there's all these things they talk about it that I'd rather stay out of. People think it is "cool" to have phones because you can text and call whoever you want. Hey, don't get me wrong, I want a phone too. But I realized that I don't need one. And some people bring their phones to school and text people during recess. Yep. Trust me, you don't need a phone if you don't go a lot of places without your parents, and it will just cause problems if you get caught up in all that phone drama. Just my opinion.
I like making paragraphs like these, so I will continue doing it. Comment and share your opinion!
EMAIL: elizabethandemma@gmail.com *FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT TO ASK ME*
1 comment:
i agrre:) and ik who ur talking about with the recess thingy!!:) lol
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