Hey everybody! There's a show on TV called American Idol on which people compete by singing and if they receive the least votes from the USA, they get voted off the show. If you win, you get a recording contract and I believe some money, but it's a long process because they have had to audition, fly to Hollywood, fly to Las Vegas, and fly back to Hollywood I believe. All the contestants share the same humongous house. It's very fun to watch and only goes on TV every Wednesday and Thursday. If you've watched this show before, you may know who I am talking about. And even better, if you watched this show this past Thursday, you would get what I am about to complain about.
1) Ryan Seacrest (the host) sounded like he didn't like Elise that night. He said,"Hang tight, Elise." when she was in the Bottom 3 (which is the 3 who didn't get high votes) as if he wanted her to go home. Another contestant, Jessica Sanchez, was right next to Elise and was in danger of getting voted off, too, but he didn't say it to her. I was confused, because later on, Jessica was voted off. (BUT NOT FOREVER: Read #2)
2) Since Jessica was voted off, she had to sing just in case the judges wanted to give her a Wild Card and save her from getting voted off. It's definitely obvious the judges favorite her, and about 3 seconds into the song, they ran on stage and grabbed the mic saying, "We're giving her the card! Everybody vote for Jessica Sanchez!" UNFAIR to the other contestants, because they wouldn't run up on the stage and tell America to vote for Jessica. She doesn't have star quality, even though her voice is AMAZING. Now, everybody will vote for Jessica because they want to do the same thing as the judges suggested. She will NEVER go home at this rate. I'm really mad!
I am very sorry if you didn't get this post, but if I wanted to explain the whole thing, you would be reading this for 10 minutes+.
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