Hi everybody! This is how to make crepes from my Grandma's recipe. We are Croatian, and in Croatia, crepes are popular. We don't call them crepes, we call them palacinke. I think that's how it's spelled.
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons butter, melted
big spoon thing
canola oil
1. Put 1 or 2 eggs in a bowl, add a little sugar, some salt, stir. Add milk and flour and stir some more until liquidy.
2. Next set a pan on the oven. Set oven to medium temp.
3. On the pan, put some oil and tip the pan a little so the oil will spread.
4. Take the big spoon thing and take scoop some of your mix. Put it inside the pan. Tip to spread mix.
5. Wait a bit. Take spatula and check underside to see if done. It will be a little brown and crispy. If brown and crispy, flip over the crepe so the other side will be cooked, too. When it is done, take the spatula and put the crepe on the plate.
I hope you enjoy the crepe. If you did not get something, comment, and I will either make a video, or show you a picture of how the thing looks. I knew the basic ingredients, but not how much, so I found a website that tells me exactly how much you need. Thanks you for the ingredients:
Enjoy your crepes,